• DRAMP00971
    • Peptide Name

    • Probable thionin-2.3 (Plant defensin)
    • Source

    • Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress)
    • Family

    • Belongs to the thionin family
    • Gene

    • At2g15010
    • Sequence

    • Sequence Length

    • 47
    • Protein Existence

    • Transcript level
    • Biological Activity

    • Cytotoxic
    • Target Organism

    • No MICs found in DRAMP database
    • Hemolytic Activity

      • No hemolysis information or data found in the reference(s) presented in this entry
    • Cytotoxicity

      • Not included yet
    • Binding Target

    • Not found
    • Linear/Cyclic

    • Not included yet
    • N-terminal Modification

    • Not included yet
    • C-terminal Modification

    • Not included yet
    • Nonterminal Modifications and Unusual Amino Acids

    • Not included yet
    • Stereochemistry

    • Not included yet
    • Structure

    • Not found
    • Structure Description

    • Not found
    • Helical Wheel Diagram

    • DRAMP00971 helical wheel diagram
    • PDB ID

    • None
    • Predicted Structure

    • There is no predicted structure for DRAMP00971.
    • Formula

    • C219H335N59O76S6
    • Absent Amino Acids

    • HMW
    • Common Amino Acids

    • CS
    • Mass

    • 5202.78
    • PI

    • 4.66
    • Basic Residues

    • 4
    • Acidic Residues

    • 6
    • Hydrophobic Residues

    • 8
    • Net Charge

    • -2
    • Boman Index

    • -94.48
    • Hydrophobicity

    • -0.549
    • Aliphatic Index

    • 41.49
    • Half Life

      • Mammalian:0.8 hour
      • Yeast:10 min
      • E.coli:>10 hour
    • Extinction Coefficient Cystines

    • 4845
    • Absorbance 280nm

    • 105.33
    • Polar Residues

    • 23


DRAMP00971 chydropathy plot
    • Function

    • Thionins are small plant proteins which are toxic to animal cells. They seem to exert their toxic effect at the level of the cell membrane.
    • PTM

    • Problely contains three disulfide bonds 5-41; 5-33; 17-27.
  • ·Literature 1
    • Title

    • Sequence and analysis of chromosome 2 of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana.
    • Reference

    • Nature. 1999 Dec 16;402(6763):761-768.
    • Author

    • Lin X, Kaul S, Rounsley S, Shea TP, et al.
  • ·Literature 2
    • Title

    • Empirical analysis of transcriptional activity in the Arabidopsis genome.
    • Reference

    • Science. 2003 Oct 31;302(5646):842-846.
    • Author

    • Yamada K, Lim J, Dale JM, Chen H, et al.