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DRAMP newly added peptides with reported activities against: SARS-CoV-2.


We are responsible for maintaining the website daily and updating the database regularly. The updated information will be written in the Update page. Last updated on 2024-1-16.

255797 opens since May 20 2013.

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Contact: Zheng Heng, Ph.D.

Institute of Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute.

Hanmei Xu: Director of Jiangsu Province Synthetic Peptide Drug Discovery and Evaluation Engineering Research Center.

Welcome to DRAMP Database

DRAMP(Data repository of antimicrobial peptides) is an open-access and manually curated database harboring diverse annotations of AMPs including sequences, structures, activities, physicochemical, patent, clinical and reference information. The clinical dataset also includes information on the clinical trial phase, therapeutic applications, company and preclinical or clinical AMP literature sources.

DRAMP currently contains 22649 entries, 6107 of which are general AMPs (containing natural and synthetic AMPs), 16229 patent AMPs and 96 AMPs in drug development (preclinical or clinical stage). In the late update, we added 217 stapled antimicrobial peptides belonging to specific AMPs.

For the purpose of expanding the scope of AMPs design, DRAMP also holds 5909 candidate AMPs which are screened by some platforms whose antibacterial activities haven't been assayed. Such candidate AMPs are seen as an individule part and the total 22649 entries do not include them.

Data in the DRAMP is made available under an CCBY 4.0 License. You are entitled to access and use the services and download or extract data. The free services are offered for the purpose of providing access to summarized data, analytics, metadata, and bulk downloads. If you need the data from the DRAMP for research, please cite the article of original author for general and clinical AMPs, or obtain the authorization for patent AMPs.

We will conduct data mining and design work based on data collected of DRAMP, as those data are valuable for guiding develment and optimization of AMP-drugs. Prediction function based on computational strategies is also expected in our database. We will set out to establish Some high-efficient classifiers.

To all regular downloads, please cite our publications. If you find some errors in the website, please send an email to

Read more


  • Shi G, Kang X, Dong F, Liu Y, Zhu N, Hu Y, Xu H, Lao X, Zheng H. DRAMP 3.0: an enhanced comprehensive data repository of antimicrobial peptides. Nucleic Acids Res. 2022 Jan 7;50(D1):D488-D496. PMID: 34390348
  • New Released Structures


    • Jan 16,2024 119 patent peptides have been updated in DRAMP.
    • Nov 4,2023 29 stapled peptides have been updated in DRAMP.
    • July 4,2023 PDB ID of 95 entries with reported structure in PDB database have been updated.
    • May 17,2023 We have updated information of clinical entries. Besides, 25 new clinical entries are added to DRAMP and some duplicate entries have been deleted.
    • Feb 11,2023 250 predicted structures are added to DRAMP.
    • Dec 1,2022 We have updated information of 200 AMPs existed in DRAMP, especially about N-terminal modification, C-terminal modification, other modifications, Stereochemistry and Cytotoxicity.
    • Oct 10,2022 113 predicted structures are added to DRAMP.
    • Sep 6,2022 73 new entries with reported antiviral activity are added to DRAMP.
    • June 29,2022 52 predicted structures have been added and three types of files have been provided for users.
    • April 22,2022 91 entries with reported activities against SARS-CoV-2 are added to DRAMP,and some information about activities against SARS-CoV-2 have been updated for 6 entries existed in DRAMP.
    • March 12,2022 57 new entries are added to DRAMP,which contain 15 natural AMPs and 42 synthetic AMPs.
    • MORE...

    About Us

    The database is developed by Dr.Zheng's team. This is the home page of the database, please use the navigation bar in the top of page to browse the database. If you encounter any problems in using this database, you can consult the FAQs/help pages for help or feedback to us, we will help you solve as soon as possible.

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