• DRAMP37215
    • Peptide Name

    • CRLK
    • Source

    • Sythetic
    • Family

    • Not found
    • Gene

    • Not found
    • Sequence

    • Sequence Length

    • 22
    • UniProt Entry

    • No entry found
    • Protein Existence

    • Not found
    • Biological Activity

    • Antimicrobial, Antibacterial, Anti-tumor
    • Target Organism

    • Not found
    • Hemolytic Activity

      • No hemolysis information or data found in the reference(s) presented in this entry
    • Cytotoxicity

    • No cytotoxicity information found in the reference(s) presented
    • Binding Target

    • Cell membrane
    • Linear/Cyclic

    • Linear
    • N-terminal Modification

    • Free
    • C-terminal Modification

    • Free
    • Nonterminal Modifications and Unusual Amino Acids

    • None
    • Stereochemistry

    • L
    • Structure

    • Not found
    • Structure Description

    • Not found
    • Predicted Structure

    • There is no predicted structure for DRAMP37215.
  • ·Literature 1
    • Title

    • 连接链对包含CisoDGRC结构抗菌肽诱导乳腺癌细胞凋亡的影响; Effect of connection chain on apoptosis induced by antibacterial peptide containing CisoDGRC in breast cancer cells
    • doi

    • 10.13753/j.issn.1007-6611.2017.11.013
    • Reference

    • [J].山西医科大学学报,2017,48(11):1149-1153.DOI:10.13753/j.issn.1007-6611.2017.11.013.
    • Author

    • 侯磊,岳晨莉,何莉,贾辉,白俊: HOU Lei,YUE Chenli,HE Li,JIA Hui,BAI Jun