• DRAMP37220
    • Peptide Name

    • MAK
    • Source

    • Dendrobium aphyllum
    • Family

    • Not found
    • Gene

    • Not found
    • Sequence

    • MAK
    • Sequence Length

    • 3
    • UniProt Entry

    • No entry found
    • Protein Existence

    • Not found
    • Biological Activity

    • Antimicrobial, Antibacterial, Anti-Gram+, Anti-Gram-
    • Target Organism

      • Gram-negative bacteria: Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    • Hemolytic Activity

      • No hemolysis information or data found in the reference(s) presented in this entry
    • Cytotoxicity

    • No cytotoxicity information found in the reference(s) presented
    • Binding Target

    • Cell membrane
    • Linear/Cyclic

    • Linear
    • N-terminal Modification

    • Free
    • C-terminal Modification

    • Free
    • Nonterminal Modifications and Unusual Amino Acids

    • None
    • Stereochemistry

    • L
    • Structure

    • Not found
    • Structure Description

    • Not found
    • Predicted Structure

    • There is no predicted structure for DRAMP37220.
  • ·Literature 1
    • Title

    • 抗菌肽Met-Ala-Lys对铜绿假单胞菌细胞膜的作用机制; Mechanism of Antibacterial Peptide Met-Ala-Lys Affecting on the Cytomembrane of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    • doi

    • 10.13982/j.mfst.1673-9078.2019.6.008.
    • Reference

    • [J].现代食品科技,2019,35(06):56-63.DOI:10.13982/j.mfst.1673-9078.2019.6.008.
    • Author

    • 刘映君,李素芬,王琴,刘袆帆:LIU Ying-jun,LI Su-fen,WANG Qin,LIU Hui-fan