- ANG1005(Paclitaxel trevatide)
- Paclitaxel Trevatide is a peptide-drug conjugate containing the taxane paclitaxel covalently linked to the proprietary 19 amino acid peptide angiopep-2, in a 3:1 ratio, with potential antineoplastic activity.
Target Organism
- No MICs found on DRAMP database
- ANG1005, a Brain-Penetrating Peptide–Drug Conjugate, Shows Activity in Patients with Breast Cancer with Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis and Recurrent Brain Metastases.(PMID: 31969331)
Medical use
- Breast cancer, brain metastases
Stage of Development
- Phase II
- Upon administration, paclitaxel trevatide, via angiopep-2 moiety, binds to LRP-1 (low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1), which is highly expressed in blood brain barrier (BBB) and glioma cells. This binding allows the transcytosis of the agent across the BBB and the delivery of the cytotoxic agent paclitaxel.
Clinical Trials
- NCT02048059
- NCT01480583
- NCT01967810