• DRAMP28100
    • Sequence

    • Sequence Length

    • 12
    • Sequence Name

    • Sequence 100 from Patent WO 2020061306
    • Source

    • Synthetic construct
    • Activity

    • Antimicrobial
    • Patent Type

    • Patent Application
    • Publication Date

    • 2020-3-26
    • Patent Title

    • Methods Of Physicochemical-guided Peptide Design And Novel Peptides Derived Therefrom
    • Abstract

    • Described herein are methods of physicochemical-guided peptide design that utilize specific functional determinants to a protein's property of interest. Also described herein are novel synthetic peptide antibiotics that have increased potency and/or decreased toxicity relative to the template peptide from which they were derived, and methods of use thereof in treating microbial infections.