• DRAMP28680
    • Sequence

    • Sequence Length

    • 23
    • Sequence Name

    • Sequence 44 from Patent US 10464975
    • Source

    • Synthetic construct
    • Activity

    • Antimicrobial
    • Patent Type

    • Granted Patent
    • Publication Date

    • 2019-11-5
    • Patent Title

    • Stabilized Anti-microbial Peptides
    • Abstract

    • The present invention provides methods of designing and making structurally stabilized anti-microbial peptides for the prophylaxis and treatment of infection. Methods are also disclosed for designing stabilized anti-microbial peptides that are selectively lytic/cytotoxic to bacteria, allowing for internal use of anti-microbial peptides without mammalian membrane disruption and cytotoxicity.