• DRAMP15843
    • Sequence

    • Sequence Length

    • 9
    • Sequence Name

    • Sequence 2 from Patent US 20090258815
    • Source

    • Human immunodeficiency vi
    • Activity

    • Antimicrobial, Antiviral
    • Patent Type

    • Patent Application
    • Publication Date

    • 2009-10-15
    • Patent Title

    • Antiviral peptide and antiviral agent.
    • Abstract

    • Disclosed is an antiviral agent comprising a non-naturally occurring, artificially synthesized peptide as the main ingredient. The antiviral agent comprises an antiviral peptide, wherein the antiviral peptide has at least one unit of an amino acid sequence constituted by at least five contiguous amino acid residues (which is known as a nuclear localization sequence (NLS)) or an amino acid sequence having a partial modification in the NLS and also having at least one unit of an amino acid sequence constituted by at least five contiguous amino acid residues (which is known as a nuclear export sequence (NES)) or an amino acid sequence having a partial modification in the NES.