• DRAMP27637
    • Sequence

    • KWKW
    • Sequence Length

    • 4
    • Sequence Name

    • Sequence 1 from Patent US 10301354
    • Source

    • Synthetic construct
    • Activity

    • Antimicrobial, Antibacterial, Antifungal
    • Patent Type

    • Granted Patent
    • Publication Date

    • 2019-5-28
    • Patent Title

    • Antibacterial And Fungicidal Peptide In Which Lysine And Tryptophan Residues Are Repeated, And Use Thereof
    • Abstract

    • The present invention relates to an antibacterial and fungicidal peptide in which a lysine and tryptophan dipeptide is repeated. More specifically, the antibacterial and fungicidal peptide of the present invention, in which lysine and tryptophan dipeptide is repeated four times, shows excellent antibacterial activities with respect to gram-positive bacteria, gram-negative bacteria and antibiotic-resistant strains by affecting the inner membrane of harmful microorganisms, has remarkable fungicidal activities with respect to pathogenic fungi and antibiotic-resistant fungi, and shows little cytotoxicity, and thus can be useful for a pharmaceutical composition, a cosmetic composition, agricultural chemicals, a food preservative, a cosmetic preservative, and a pharmaceutical preservative.